However now I've been back for a couple of weeks my group and the tutorials have brought me back to up to speed and we've now settled on a final location for our website; Plymouth's indoor Market.
Originally we were going to use the Bus Station as our main area but realised that there wasn't that much going on there to make it very interesting and interactive.
So by realising this we went back to the drawing board and decided to try a more abstract vibe with which to express our chosen area.
For example one of our first ideas was a chest of drawers where each draw contained a separate space with which to work, or a sink where we could incorporate the sounds and usage as interactive areas for the viewer to experience.
Sadly though these objects were great for introducing an abstract view on an area, they massively over complicated the overall look of the website.
To try and overcome this problem we tried to link these two subjects of area and object by for example showing a photograph of the Bus station on top of the chest of drawers, with the chest of drawers shown in the photograph of the bus station as well.
Going on from this theme we thought of where we could find a chest of drawers and fell upon the idea of Plymouth's indoor market, the perfect place for all manner of objects.
That's all we have so far but keep looking for where we go from here and possibly some sketches and so on of website layout after our next meet-up.
Take care,
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