Sorry for the long delay in getting stuff up on the blog, it's been pretty hectic the last couple of weeks what with working madly to get the website done (which might I add I can now confirm IS FINISHED and up and running thank goodness!) before we left Uni and settling in back home for Easter etc. so finally now i'll upload some of our photos, drawings, scanned work and so on:
Starting with the background we were originally going to use, this turned out to for some reason crash Dreamweaver whenever it was opened and so we scrapped it for a new idea which was to show a desk as a background.
Our new layout for the website is to start with the same ideas of the front doors, then full view of the market and then show a select few stores and have interviews about the market and information about it as a whole, not just the stores themselves, but with a few new exciting extras.
For example, with the map/bird's eye view idea we decided that a sketched, rough and personal style of map would work well, rolling in from a scrunched up ball into the map you see and interact with.
So the next photo here is the map i traced then redid in my own sketchy style so the viewer feels that the market is, as the interviews say, a more personal shopping experience than standard supermarkets.
Whilst I was doing this, Amy and Anastasija went down the market and collected interviews and photos ready for Jeff to put into Dreamweaver as a Flash website, which we all decided by the way would be the best way to present our website.
Once these were all collected, Anastasija ordered them all into seperate folders per stall and Jeff began putting them into the website, whilst Amy worked on the scripts from the interviews and I worked on making the titles for each stall in the same sketchy style as the map.
By this stage in creating the website I believe it was wed/thurs of the last week of term and things were looking really good. The next thing we worked on was Perfecting the transitions from area to area on the website and this included me creating an animation with Jeff showing the map roll in and unfold for the viewer to see.
This was pretty easy to knock together but to make it even better I went off to record sound to go along with the animation and map whilst the others worked on various bits of arranging and making the content ready for the website e.g. Taking it in turns to write up the script, arranging photos, converting the interviews into MP3, cropping them etc.
Along with recording the crumple sound for the map, I also recorded some circles being drawn with a pencil to go along with when the stalls on the map are highlighted but these seemed too o.t.t and so was left out, as in all honesty, noises on websites are so irritating in my opinion and distract me from wanting to look at the websites content.
I'm not sure if it will work but i've uploaded the animation as well for you to view to get a taste of how the website will unfold, literally!
Finally for tonight I will upload the pics of the titles to show you the sketchy, personal style we're going for. Not the most exciting upload but still is a vital part of the overall feel of the website haha!
Well that's all for tonight but tomorrow, and I mean tomorrow I won't forget haha! I'll carry on explaining where we were on the last week of term and the overall final processes of the website finally being completed.
So good night for now and take care,
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