
Sunday, 18 April 2010

Presentation Update

Hello back in Plymouth now and have just finalised the script for the presentation and realised a few more things to include for this blog.
I started writing the script a couple of days ago but thought it best to talk about it on the blog now it's finished.
The first thing I noticed I hadn't explained about is how we added a history part to the website and how we were worried this was too text based. We wanted to stay away from text based areas as much as possible (except the script for the interviews which was necessary as i'll explain in a minute) as they're can get very boring, very quickly.
But with the history of Plymouth Market we thought it had to be included on a website about it! And in actual fact this led to the interviews, in particular one about how Sainsbury's, Tesco's and other large supermarkets and how there is a lack of personal one on one shopping in these shops, gaining more depth and understanding for the viewer (if they so choose to find out more by clicking the history area) into why Plymouth market is so friendly and a unique shopping experience. The fact that this area was also an additional part of the website gave the viewer the option to look at all this text and factual information rather than force it upon them and so once again emphasises the friendly, personal approach we wanted the website to have from the hand drawn map down to the interviews and choices the viewer is given.

The second point I noticed is that with the interviews, those who are hearing impaired cannot hear the audio clips and so despite being text heavy, we included scripts for all the interviews so all viewers have more chance and opportunities to enjoy and understand the content. Again this gave across a friendly feel as we tailor for those who have impairments instead of only leaving the audio or visual sides of our website, thus eliminating the possibility of discriminating against those who are impaired in some way.
The script itself is solid if I do say so myself in that it addresses all the main points of our website and so hopefully will get this across at the presentation successfully.
However to accompany and make this presentation interesting, I'm now going to make the powerpoint slides including examples of our work etc. etc.
In fact, now I think of it, this presentation is pretty much a condensed version of this blog but in person as a group so this blog has been very helpful in making sure we explain every aspect we want to.

I'm now going to crack on with the visual/audio side of the presentation and shall report back tomorrow/after the presentation on Tuesday so watch this space and take care,

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