
Saturday, 16 April 2011

From Dismantling the Drum Machine To Grandparents Coming Back

Hello well as the name suggests, this is my post about the time from when I had to dismantle the main drum machine up to my Grandparents coming home and running out of time.

As you can probably tell, I didn't finish the piece before they came back. :(
But on the plus side, my Grandparents are incredibly understanding and said it was fine to leave it all up and carry on until it is finished which is just amazing of them!
However, not everyone is going to be so caring and understanding so in future I REALLY need to buckle down on planning and make sure everything is 110% ok and that I have been realistic in my approach. In fact, even then as long as I at least make sure I have time for errors, when I do any projects in the future. :) A very valuable lesson indeed and one I am certainly going to use and remember completely in the future. :)

So moving on, since dismantling the drum machines, here are some photos of what has been created so far:

Firstly we have the drum kit added in and the printer next to it. As I raise the Hi-Hat, this will release a ball bearing along the massive marble run stretching in front to turn on the CD player and play the bass line.

Secondly we have the CD player itself and the Xylophone which is turned on by the ball bearing which turns on the CD player. This marble sets another going which turns on the motor you see on top of the bass drum, which is how the marbles hit the Xylophone and repeat.

Thirdly we have from there (haven't yet figured out how to set this bit off) a motorised cat toy which, when the on off switch is pulled walks forward meowing until it walks into the basket. This basket as it rises up from the weight of the cat pulls the "on/off" switch for the second motor into the "on" position. Once this motor is on, it drops marbles down onto a key on the keyboard and repeats.

And finally here we have my own D.I.Y. which I did for my remote control robot. The plan is to have his switch turned to the "on" position somehow and then by Blu-Tacking down his remote control to go forward he will keep going to trigger something else. unfortunately the remote control when activated made a loud robotic sound, so using some pliers I cut the wires to the speaker in the remote control rendering it silent but still working. :)

This alone has taken a mammoth amount of work and little sleep, and still I'm not even halfway!

Never the less, all progress is progress none the less, so with thanks to my Grandparents and Eden for helping me out tremendously so far (Eden has stayed with me all week to keep me company and help me out which is more than a sign of a fantastic girlfriend if ever I saw one!) I will end this post for tonight, get some sleep and crack on tomorrow. :)

Take care,

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