
Monday, 11 April 2011

The Ups and Downs of Getting Ready For Finally Finally Making This Piece!

I'm sorry there's been a delay in my posts but things have been up and down for a while but finally I am out of the woods and ready to crack on tomorrow with actually, physically and finally making this project.

The main problem that has kept me from posting on here has been getting all the props down to Plymouth from home and then finding I can't use the Scott Building's sound room (108).

This was a massive blow as someone had booked the place out for a week or two, which was firstly annoying for me as now I didn't have anywhere to make my piece, but secondly an eye opener as I was going to do the same and realised how unfair this would have been!

Without a place to make my piece, I started to panic but with the help of family and friends I have thankfully found the most perfect place to make this piece!

Here is my list of possible ideas for where I could make my piece:

Scott Building 112/the balcony part (worry about people touching it etc.)
My room in Plymouth (possibly going back to the alarm clock idea as can't move bed?)
My house in Plymouth (what about everyone else though?)
My house/living room at home? (Again putting everyone out)
Renting a recording place down where Jeff's band used to rehearse? (Depends on money and how long I can book a room for)
Grandparents house? (Again putting them out)

The result was one of incredible good fortune as my Grandparents are going on holiday for a week starting Saturday 9th - sat 16th so they have ever so kindly let me use their front room/dining room to create and film my final piece! :D :D

This is fantastic as I only live 10 minutes away and so can either stay the night at theirs should I work late, or go home when I please!

However, now that I have a place does not mean I can relax, as I am posting this on Monday 11th April and so after my Step Dad Steve very kindly drove me back to Plymouth to collect everything, we then took it all my Grandparents and began setting up the area in which I am going to work. My Grandparents also very kindly left some white sheets which I could pin to the walls for a background as they were going to re-paint it soon anyway.

So as of today, me and my Step Dad Steve have moved all of my Grandparents stuff out of the dining room and carefully sorted it away into the spare room and have put up half of the backgrounds and moved my drum kit in ready for really cracking on with it tomorrow.

Unfortunately we only had two sheets so I'm hoping I can borrow some from my Mum if she has some!

Other than that, here is a photo of the boot with all the props I am going to use (Yikes! Was not the word when we realised we had to fill the boot more than once with all this stuff!). :)

That's it for now so check back soon for how the project is coming along!
Take care,

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