Pulling a fair few all nighters I have finally finished the history animation!
But again there were a lot of set backs or what!
The main problem was that I had cut out all these photos with the intention of animating it by hand. However trying to do so proved very tricky and more time consuming than was needed so instead I went back onto the computer and inverted each photo, which I could of done at the same time as colouring them to save time in the first place.
Then once all these images were inverted I put them into After Effects with the actual book as the background.
From here on in it was just a slog for a couple of days but I was able to make some much more interesting transitions than what I was planning to do. Once all these transitions were done I was finally able to export it. Which took 11 hours!
Turns out as I'd been going along I'd zoomed out from the time line, which actually means you've zoomed out in time too not just scale so where I was putting in points of movement, they were minutes apart instead of seconds.
However, once it had finally exported I compressed it for another two hours and then was able to put it into Final Cut Pro and cut and trim the video down into separate films per information from the narration going over the top. I then matched the video to the audio by changing the speed of the videos and voila it was completed. Piece of cake......
On the other hand, whilst all this rendering, exporting and everything else was going on, I was able to get the rest of the narrations done, the final calendar transitions and the credits.
The credits as you'll see from the photos I've uploaded are of the people who starred in my documentary (Jeff and the Peskett Family) holding up fake blue beards. This way everybody grew a beard!
I've also finished the animations of our beards growing to go in front of this after the final scene and they look great so a big thanks to Phil and Jeff!
I aligned the photos so that the transition is smoother and then added disclaimers at the ends saying what happened, such as Phil going for a Handlebar and Goatee style with extended Sideburns and Jeff sadly having to shave because of a family gathering he had to look smart for!
With all this finally finished it was time to put it all together and make the final "Lego Model".
With the photos you can see the calendar transitions first, then stills from the History animation, then the credits.
Check back soon for my overview of this project as I hopefully complete it all in time!
Take care,
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