As the name suggests, IT'S FINISHED!
It's taken roughly 3 months but it is finally finished and exported from Garageband with music and everything.
It wasn't as easy getting to here mind as putting it all into Final Cut Pro and matching up the clips took a while. Then once this was done it took over 6 hours to render!
The reason for this is because the files are so large but once the compressor got to work it only took 2 hours to export from Final Cut Pro which was a nice change!
Putting it into Garageband, the free music loop based royalty free software which comes with all Apple Macs, was where the fun began as I was able to finally create a soundtrack to my visuals.
I found that using only bass and drums was a great combination and whilst doing it's job, didn't distract the viewer from the dialogue and narrations. However for the more music based areas (such as the Intro and Credits) I could be a lot more expressive in terms of music and the ending I'm really proud of as it's a nice cheerful ending to go out on, rounding up what I'm hoping has been an enjoyable watch.
So far those who have seen (my family and the Peskett Family) have really enjoyed it so fingers crossed most others do too and they're not just being nice because they know me!
To sum up this module, I have really pushed myself to limits I never knew existed. But whilst doing this I have really enjoyed being so involved with a project again. Over the summer I have craved big projects like this and finally I've been given the chance and if I'm honest I was over enthusiastic and ended very nearly burning out half way from exhaustion.
On the other hand, if I hadn't taken on this project I wouldn't have learnt the things I have, both about facial hair and myself.
I've learnt an incredibly valuable lesson which is pace yourself. Don't go burning out rushing through things. I need to do what I have done on this project and prioritise and think realistically.
Last year I made myself very ill working so hard and not sleeping properly etc. and so this year I've made sure no matter how tired I am I've eaten properly, got my 5-a-day etc. and have planned out my next move so that when I need to sleep I can wake up and keep on track.
The second valuable lesson I've learnt is that if you plan ahead you can accomplish such a big task as this. Without planning and being as organised as I possibly could I would never have been able to finish in time. But here we are with me talking about finishing it thanks to organisation and efficiency.
In a way I'm sad to see this project go as it's been a big part of my life these past few months, but deep down I'm ready to move on and take these skills to the next project and see what I can do.
So as a goodbye present I leave you with the photos of all my lists as they were nearing completion. Uploading these is also very rewarding for me as right next to me is the same sheets but all ticked off and finished with.
So thankyou for reading and hopefully you'll visit back soon to see what else I've been up to and where the skills I've learnt in this project have taken me.
Until next time take care,
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