
Tuesday, 1 February 2011


What a hectic week!
But the best part of it is that Vince's Introduction is done and dusted now!
However there were a few problems which sadly have altered the final version of this scene.
Firstly and most importantly, it was proving too problematic to map Jeff's mouth to Vince's face.
This was partly due to Jeff moving his head around to much and also the face I'm fast running out of time to be fannying about.
We tried re-filming Jeff's lines but again it seems that mapping the mouth up is going to be a long job and so it was with great upset that I opted for a more simplistic option of using Vince's normal open happy mouth.
This mouth doesn't move but most people I've shown this piece to have said they don't really focus on Vince and are more focused on the images he is pointing to.
What they mean by this is that whilst Vince is speaking I have included images to help explain and visually accent what he is saying, for example a map of Australia when Vince explains that Movember (the original challenge before Decembeard where moustaches are grown instead of beards) was created in Melbourne.
This animation is very simplistic compared to my original ideas but that's just the way things go sometimes, you have to make compromises and prioritise so perhaps in the future Vince will be able to talk properly. If anything, this way his mouth does match all the photos of him so I guess in that way the lack of moving mouth ties his image together well.

I also forgot to mention that this mouth to face idea was furthered the other day when I saw a kids programme on Cbeebies called "Dirtgirlworld". The animation used in this cartoon is very surreal and quite unnerving for a kids show but still the effect is brilliant as it saves out on days of lip syncing.
Sadly though I'm going to have to use this reference later on as for now it's not possible to complete effectively like they do on this show.
Here's some links to who makes it first:

And what it actually looks like as well:

Never the less I've also finished some more narrations and got the history images together too. It's taken a couple of all nighters this week and last but I finally finished the History research and am now ready to animate.

With the history I am going to be making images which highlight certain points of the narration (e.g. Cows wore metal false beards in Ancient Egypt and so a cow wearing one will pop up from the book) and animating by hand from an actual book. This has resulted in lots of photos being printed out and cut out ready to be animated later on. These photos are all hand drawn by me but I have traced over certain parts (e.g. the photos of famous people like Freud and Einstein) to save time. This was absolutely nakkering trying to get these all done and then colour them in Photoshop and print them out then cut them out but I've done it. My housemates were a big help cutting some out for me as well but still I need to get a move on.
In this blog I've included photos of all these cut out history pictures as well as some stills from Vince's animation.

Next time I blog I should (fingers crossed) have finished the History animation and be finally thinking about putting all this together! Again, fingers crossed because the clocks ticking.

Here in this post I've included photos of all the History photos cut out, photos of the original pencil drawings as well for comparison and also some of the photos from the Vince Animation as well. Oh and finally there are a couple of stills from the Vince Animation.

Take care,

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